In 2008 t h e distributor MORE Music and Media released the four-hour interview and documentary from RTL Extr a on DVD as 'Der Kannibale von Rotenburg' it was released in the UK as Armin Meiwes: The Cann i bal. They are all arrested when the police raid Johann's home, but instead of being questioned for cannibalism, they are accused of video piracy. In an attempt to watch the Quentin Tarantino film he has been trying all episode to see, Roy prete n ds to want to be eaten and goes to the Johann's home with Moss. Later, when Moss tells the story to his colleagues, he also tells them of Johann's home cinema system, where he and Johann watched Ocean's Eleven after the mix- up was re v ealed. Consider the following scenario: Before Armin Meiwes, who had killed and eaten Bernd Brandes, was convicted to lifetime imprisonment by the Land Court of Frankfurt in 2006, his lawyers contended that the sentence should be of killing upon request, which would have amounted to a sentence of up to five years. The chara c ter Maurice Moss, thinking he is starting a German cookery course, goes to a Johann's home (a Germa n cannibal), where the error is revealed, the fault lying with Johann's poor grasp of the English language w hen writing the 'cooking' advert. Season 2, Episode 3 of sitcom The IT Crowd, titled 'Moss and the German,' parodies the Meiwes case.